
My favorite places to visit on the Internet...
I'm hopelessly addicted to Virginia Tech football and I owe it all to this site.

Steinberger World
I own a Steinberger Q series bass, therefore I visit this site.

Slate: Today's Papers
Summary and analysis of what's in the major US newspapers by Eric Umansky

The Family Guy Reference Archives
Hands down the funniest TV show I've ever seen.

NY Times Circuits
I recommend David Pogue's free weekly email newsletter for a refreshing view of various technology topics.

Movie Review Query Engine
Search for a bad movie and read all the different ways critics trash it!

The Complete Bushisms
Our president -- funny and sad at the same time.
A great resource for hack musicians like myself.

Byte Me online
Commentary on marketing and media by Frank Catalano. I had the pleasure of once working with Frank at a previous company (ok, actually I worked for him), and I think highly of him. Recommended reading, even if you don't normally follow marketing and media.
Before you forward that inspiring true story to 10 of your best friends, find out if it's real.

Science and technology coverage from all over the world.

How Stuff Works
Not just boring things like cars and computers, but cool stuff like military pain beams and lock picking!

Lots of bass lessons that kick you out of ruts.

The Motley Fool
The original Internet financial forum. Great newsletters.

Sammy Snacks
All natural dog food and treats. All natural = less poop!

Web sites of friends and family...

The Galactic Core
My friend from the center of the galaxy.

ESP Productions
This is my uncle's company's web site. He produces the halftime show for what used to be called the Citrus Bowl. Now it's the Capital One Bowl. Take it from me, an unbiased family member who has seen numerous ESP Productions free of charge: it's the best damn halftime show on the college landscape!

The web site of my friend's band, COMBAT. Heavier than a two-ton heavy thing.

My sister-in-law runs the show at this excellent non-profit group.

Belle Linden Gallery
My friend's collection of artwork.