For my birthday, my wife surprised me with a 20GB iPod. I had asked for one, but only as a joke. I didn't think she had the nerve to blow $300 on yet another toy for her husband. So imagine my joy when it arrived at my house on my birthday. Not only that but she also bought me the Monster iCarPlay Wireless Plus. This allows me to play my iPod in my car on a vacant FM station. Wow, talk about spoiled. That's me. Anyway, I love my new iPod. The iCarPlay works great. It puts out a strong signal; strong enough to broadcast clearly over not-so-vacant stations. That's nice, because truly vacant stations are hard to find unless you live in the middle of nowhere, which I don't. So I now have all my CDs loaded on my iPod, and I can listen to them in the car without actually toting them around with me. Beautiful! The other feature I love about my iPod is its ability to store files of any type. Photos, programs, MS Office documents, you name it. It's basically an external hard drive. I find this very useful for taking files home with me from work, and vice versa. So, for example, since I still have dial-up access at home, I can use my high-speed access at work to download the latest 20MB version of iTunes, transfer the file to my iPod, and then take it home and install it. Beats the heck out of downloading over a 44Kbps connection. Likewise, I can dump my latest batch of digital photos on the iPod, take it to work, and quickly upload them to Ofoto. If there's one thing slower than downloading a 20MB file over dial-up, it's uploading 20MB worth of jpegs.
5:05 PM