I'm happy to announce I've been able to get my hands on partial tone specifications for the Korg Ampworks Bass. I love this little unit. I have a blast playing through it and love the way it sounds. Unfortunately the user manual (1MB PDF) doesn't list the frequencies that the tone knobs control. I e-mailed Korg support for this information and eventually received specs for 8 of the 11 modeled amps. The information is incomplete, but it's better than nothing. I decided to code it up as a table for anyone interested to see it. Here it is.
1:21 PM
This spring I'm taking a linear algebra class through Virginia Tech. The class is conducted almost entirely online, except for exams which are proctored. The instruction is freely available to anyone who wants to work through it. Here's the URL to the lesson pages if you're in the mood to learn matrices and vectors. "Why in the world are you taking this class," you ask? Well, I've been thinking about taking some graduate statistics courses and they all seem to require this class as a prerequisite. So I figured I would give it a try and see how I did. I'm happy to brag that I managed to bust a perfect score on the first exam. But I have three more to go plus a final, so that's all the bragging I'll do for now.
7:19 PM