Man, I'm so depressed. I found some other personal web sites like this, this, and this, which make mine look like cat poop with fleks of kitty litter. Not only do they look great, they have good content and tons of visitors. One of them (the last one) even makes a specific request that if you contact him, please don't tell him how nice his site looks. He's tired of hearing it. Bless his heart, having to deal with all those compliments. I don't know how he manages.
4:12 PM
I just added a message board to the site. Click Here to see it. It's for far-flung family and friends. I hope people will use it. If not, eh. It was free.
9:59 AM
Thanks to my generous friend deadfoot, I added another image to the raven section: a 1983 advertisement for a show with Metalica [sic] at a club called Cheers. The only thing worse than the misspelling of Metallica is the homemade Raven logo.
3:06 PM
Added two more Sword songs to the bass tablature collection. That's all for Sword for now. Next up is Anthem. I'm going to try and tab three of their songs before moving on to Y&T.
9:55 PM
Added enetation commenting code to the web log. Very pleased with it thus far.
7:44 AM
This morning I tabbed two Sword songs and added them to the bass tablature page. I would have posted them sooner if I could've torn myself from my bass! These songs are infectiously fun to play! Hopefully I'll add two more before the weekend's out.
3:16 PM
All tab now has my updated email address. Oh, and it finally dawned on me that outside of the tablature files, I failed to include conact info anywhere else on the site. I fixed that by adding my email to every page using the ever so hip spam-dodging style of spelling it out. (as if a spam-bot would ever make it out this far into the Internet boondocks.)
9:42 AM
Today I added some descriptions for my songs. I also added a few words about Ross Valory and John Gallagher, the bass players for the only two bands for which I currently have bass tablature (Journey and Raven, respectively). My next job is to update my contact info in each of the bass tab files. Not hard, but certainly a pain in the ass. I previously hosted my tablature at Suite101.com, but they're going to start charging $5/month to host personal pages and discontinue offering free email. $5 isn't bad, but it's kind of stupid to pay when I've already shelled out cash for my own domain and associated hosting fees.
4:36 PM
Yes, I have no shame or creativity. I have stolen a Blogger template as my web site design. Hey, it works and I could do no better myself. Hopefully using Blogger as my "index" file will motivate me to keep the site fresh and post frequent updates. The first order of business is to add some more bass tablature.
2:18 PM
OK, we're live. How does this look? If everything is presentable, this will be my home page from now on. This is the space I'll use to post updates.
8:22 PM